1. language of the Western , shut up in Greek and Roman literature, and memorable teaching of ancient peoples, as well as a very bright, as if to herald the dawn of the Gospel of truth, which the Son of God, the judge and teacher of grace, the light and guide of the human race (1),proclaimed on earth . For the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, in the most excellent of the times of antiquity they acknowledged the memories of a kind of spiritual preparation for the supernatural riches which Jesus Christ in the dispensation of the fulness of times (2) communicated to mankind, out of which it came to pass, It is clear, as in the rebuilding of the Christian order of things, I really never lost his life, but the truth, and just, and noble, beautiful, finally, the obliteration of the acts of the ages.
2. For this reason, the teachings of the Church of the holy wisdom of such a nature, and the Greek and Latin languages in the first place, as with a garment of gold, of the wisdom, the highest esteem served them: and even honored the words of others, who flourished in the quarters of the east, since the progress of humanity, and to be conformed to the character of not a little influence on the use of receiving them; whether in the religious ceremonies of the same have or have used in the interpretation of Sacred Scripture, even to the present time in certain regions, just as the living voices of antiquity never interrupted, but flourished.
3. Of these in the different languages, it certainly stands out, which first broke out in the territory of Latium, and later to as much as it is a wonder for the spreading of Christianity throughout the West.If, indeed, it has come to pass, not without a divine plan, that we who have the word of a most magnificent of the Roman Empire, under the authority of the nations together for ever and a great number of sociavisset, he should escape and proper to the Apostolic See (3), and thus preserved for posterity, a strait, a bond of unity with other Christian peoples of Europe.
Of its very nature Latin among the different tribes to the effective promotion of the worship of anyone who'll have the whole of humanity is VERY CONVENIENT: It does not envy, when one nation, presents itself with equal parts of no man 's favor, and at last it is pleasing to all, and a friend.Nor must we overlook, in the nobility of Latin's formal structure and property, since the pressed style, rich, numerous, full of majesty and dignity (4) has, which is solely and clarity, and of gravity.
4. For these reasons the Apostolic See is not no time for reserving the use of Latin, carefully arranged and thought worthy of the heavenly doctrine and sacred laws tamquαm splendid dress(5) use it in their teaching practice, the same used by the sacred ministers. For these men, men of the church, wherever they are of the Gentiles, the use of language of the Romans, which are more ready to learn that they can of the Holy See, and easier to communicate with, and to each other.
It, therefore, to such an extent bound up with the life of the Church, have perceived by the use of knowledge and, not so much of humanity and of the letters, which is the difference of religion(6), as Our predecessor, the imm. frames. 11 warned Pius, who, by reason of the thing and a way not pursue them, and indicated three qualities of this language, to a remarkable degree with the Church's in perfect harmony with: For the Church, so that these things, and it embraces all the nations, and even to the consummation of the ages ... is that they shall remain, and the word by its very nature requires the universal, immutable, and no mean (7).
5. Nam cum Ecclesiam Romanam needful to sit omnem agree ecclesiam (8), cumque Summi Pontifices potestatem habeant true episcopalem, et ordinariam immediatam omnes et singulas Ecclesias in tum, tum in omnes et singulos pastores et fideles (9) cuiusvis ritus, cuiusvis gentis, cuiusvis tongue, consentaneum omnino videtur ut mortgage commercii instrumentum universal sit aequabile et, et maxime inter Apostolicam Sedem Ecclesias, quae eodem ritu Latin utuntur. Itaque tum Pontifices Romans, is quid catholicas gentes Docere volunt, tum Romanae Curiae Consilia, negotia expediunt you here, you here conficiunt decrees, to universitatem fidelium spectantia, always linguam Latinam Haud secus usurpant, vox ac is maternal ab innumeris gentibus Accepta and sit.
6. Not only universal but also immutable must be the Church's language. If the truths of the Catholic Church or delivered to some or many of the recent change languages, of which no other authority upon, it should get out of it, with the result that their power was not significantly or fully, by which variety they are, open to all, as there is no common and constant should be the norm, to which the meaning of other renderings. Indeed, such a language Latin, against the varieties have long since been rendered safe, and the meaning of words in the daily, popular use, which is wont to lead, what should we think is fixed and immobile; of some Latin words, new meanings as Christian teaching developed and explained and defended, but they are firm for a long time definite.
7. Denique Cum Ecclesia Catholica, utpote Christo Domino seasoned, inter omnes humanas societates longe dignitate praestet, profecto decet eam language used does not vulgari, sed et nous nobilitatis plena.
8. Praetereaque Latin language, quam dicere catholicam true possumus (10), utpote quae sit Apostolicae Sedis, et omnium Ecclesiarum Matris magistrae, worn perpetually consecrated, et putanda east thesaurus ... incomparandae praestantiae (11), et quaedam almost ianua, here aditus omnibus patet to IPSAS christianas veritates antiquitus acceptas et ecclesiasticae doctrinae monumental interpretanda (12); et vinculum denique peridoneum, quo praesens Ecclesiae aetas Cumulative superioribus cumque futuris mirifice continetur.
9. Nor, indeed, each can be in doubt, but that power is present or of great literature or language of the Romans, which was added to the very be drawn to conform to the tender minds of youth training, which was then for the principal faculties of mind and spirit exercises, matures and perfects, then sharpens the wits and the power of judgment ; It helps the young to be appointed to the better understanding of values comprise them that all is right; and, lastly, the sum of the intelligent thought and speech.
10. Why do you think out of these two things, indeed, is understood to be the excellence and importance of Latin and the Roman Pontiffs have frequently and have maintained it in such a great praise, but also the study of the sacred and the use of both the clergy and regular, in perils of flowing that would result from its neglect.
The same causes, therefore, have been led to the most serious, in which Our predecessors have, and the Synod of Provincials (13), we, too, she brings forth a firm determination to, as of this language, have been restored to the dignity of one into his own, over and over again the study of the culture and effectively promoted. For when in many places in the The employment of Latin has recently been contested, and many are asking what the Apostolic See is in this think of a thing, have therefore decided to up his mind to the appropriate norms of the grave published in this document, to provide by the ancient and uninterrupted custom of Latin be maintained, and, where near the exoleverit, fully restored.
For the rest, that is to be the sense of ourselves in this matter, made it quite plain, it seems to us, we have made clear, since these are the words we have done to some eminent Latin scholars:Unfortunately, there are a sufficient number, they were taken captive by the marvelous progress of science, abnormiter, the study of Latin and other studies of this kind, or to repel the subjects of states to take ... Precisely for this urgent need for, or pursue the contrary, the way was of note. When made on the mind at all, as is rather the nature of the dignity of man, and it is fitting that the acquisition is that which adorn the mind, and worship, lest those poor mortal creatures may in like manner as they build the machine, shivering, and love too hard for, should be devoid of (14).
11. PROVISIONS FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE STUDY OF things, a certain gift of our conscience and the authority of, the following, we establish and command.
§ 1. Bishops and superiors of religious orders shall give their attention to a match for the Master of the Supreme, that in their seminaries and in their schools, in which the young men trained for the priesthood of the Apostolic See in this matter diligently obey the will of all, and obey these Our prescriptions most carefully.
§ 2. Paternal iidem sollicitudine caveant, it's here and dicione, Rerum Novarum scholars, against linguam Latinam sive in altioribus sacris disciplinis tradendis sive in sacris habendis ritibus usurpandam scribant, snow praeiudicata opinion Apostolicae Sedis voluntatem hac in D extenuent perperam interpretentur speed.
§ 3. As is the Code of Canon Law (c. 1364) or commanded by Our Predecessors the sacred rites of the students, before they begin the ecclesiastical studies proper, a method suitable for the space of time by those who are masters of the Latin language are permeated with the utmost precision,that too for this reason: lest later on, when major studies ... because of the ignorance of the word, that he may gain a full understand they can not, to say nothing of himself to exercise in those scholastic disputations which discharge disposition, temper, a brilliant young men to the defense of the faith (15). That, too, belong to them, we will, who was born grasping the duties of a divinely called to the priesthood, have handed down to the work of classical studies, or null or too thin. No one is to be admitted to the study of philosophy or theology except he be thoroughly and perfectly in this language is, and his using it.
§ 4. Wherever, however, on account of the SIMILAR program of studies, which obtains in the public schools of the city, of the partial withdrawal of the Latin language, with the loss of his sister firmaeque of doctrine, there is traditional method of teaching this language shall be completely restored, since each is convinced that it ought to be, this, too, in a matter of the sacred rites of the students the maintenance of the manner of formation be holy and sacred, not only as regards the number and kind of, but also the length of time devoted to the teaching of these concerns. But if, of time and place demand the course of other subjects to the common addition to the necessity of discipline, then it reason, or the lengthened course of studies, the same in the short, or discipline, they are forced to, or, in fact it should be repulsed the time of their study to another.
§ 5. Major sacred sciences, as with numerous previous, shall be taught in Latin, which, as we know from many centuries of use, is considered most suitable to the difficult and profound ideas and concepts are very appropriately, and clearly explaining with (16), since besides being long since been enriched by its own terms is clear and it is , best calculated to safeguard the integrity of the Catholic faith, even for empty babbling is very apt to be cut off. Athens, therefore, who, whether in the greatest, or professors of these sciences in the seminaries, and they are bound to speak Latin, and the books, appointed to the use of schools, written in Latin to apply. Who, if they obey the prescriptions of the Holy See to these, ignorance of Latin, they are not armed, in the teachers, to take their place, step by step, this qualified to be sufficient. The difficulties, however, if, or advanced by students or by the professors of which is proposed, the bishops and superiors, on the one side, the good will of the doctors, those in his mind it is necessary to let them be defeated.
§ 6. Quoniam Latin language east language alive Ecclesiae, to cotidie succrescentes sermonis necessitates comparanda, atque adeo novus iisque aptis et congruis ditanda vocabulis ratione quidem aequabili, et cum universal veteris linguae Latinae ingenio consentanea - quam scilicet rationem et Sancti Patres et optimi scriptores, quos scholasticos vocant, secuti sunt - mandamus propterea S. Consilio Seminariis Studiorumque Universitatibus praeposito, ut Academicum Latinitatis Institutum condendum Curet. Huic Institute in quo corpus doctorum confletur He must, Linguis Latin et Graeca peritorum, former variisque terrarum orbis partibus arcessitorum, illud praecipue ERIT propositum, ut - Haud secus atque singularum civitatum Academiae, suae cuiusque nationis linguae provehendae constitutae - simul prospiciat congruent linguae Latinae progressions , Lexico Latino, opus sit, additis verbis cum eius nature et convenientibus own color; simultaneous de scholas habeat universal cuiusvis Aetatis Latinitate, cum primarily de Christiana. In quibus scholis to pleniorem linguae Latinae scientiam, for eius usum, to genus scribendi proprium et elegans ii informabuntur, here vel to linguam Latinam in Seminariis et Collegiis ecclesiasticis docendam, vel to decrees et iudicia scribenda, vel to epistolarum commercium exercendum in Consiliis Sanctae Sedis , in Curiis dioecesium, in Officiis Religiosorum ordinum destinantur.
§ 7. But when the Latin is closely allied to Greek both in nature and shape of the writers of his own, and have been handed down by the weight of old, to her, therefore, as is often the number of Our Predecessors have, it is necessary are those who will be of the order of the sacred ministers of the lower and middle schools be instructed in Thus, with the study the higher sciences, and especially on the Sacred theology is, or with the Holy Scriptures, or aiming for a degree, it is the very opportunity, and not only the Greek sources of scholastic philosophy, which they call, but then they of the Sacred Scriptures, the liturgy, of the Most Holy.
Access for purposes of understanding the manuscripts of the Greek Fathers primiformes (17).
§ 8. To the same command, moreover, the Sacred Council, so that the teaching of Latin, from the all shall faithfully observe, obediently, just give those who follow the knowledge of the language and the use of capture was imminent. Such a reason, if circumstances demand it, the Ordinaries of a group of in any other way, indeed, will be able to digest, but they must never curtail it or alter nature. Ordinaries that their plans had until these have been examined and approved by the Sacred Congregation, that they had not eat the sacred food as possible.
12. Finally, we establish that this Our Constitution, decrees, issued a notice that command, and approved to continue to stop, and all those things, and sure we will and command of Our Apostolic Authority, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, worthy of special note.
Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, on 22 day of the month of February, the Chair of St. Apocalypse of Peter. the sacred, in the year 1962, the fourth of Our Pontificate.
(1) Tertull., Apol. 21; Migne, PL 1, 394.
(2) Eph. 1, 10.
- The text published in the AAS 54 (1962) 129-35, and in L'Oss. Rom. Febbr 24. 1962, p. 1-2.
(3) Epist. S. Congr. Stud. Vehementer heal, ad Ep. universes, 1 IUL. 1908: Ench. Cler., N. 820.Etiam cf. Epist. Rev. Pii XI, Unigenitus Dei Filius , 19 Mar. 1924: AAS 16 (1924), 141.
(4) Pius XI, Epist. Ap. Offιciorum omnium , 1 Aug. 1922: AAS 14 (1922), 452-453.
(5) Pius XI, Motu Proprio Litterarum Latinarum, 20 Oct. 1924: AAS 16 (1924), 417.
(6) Pius XI, Epist. Ap. Offιciorum omnium, 1 Aug. 1922: AAS 14 (1922) 452.
(7) Ibidem.
(8) S. Iren., Adv. Haer. 3, 3, 2, Migne , PG 7, 848.
(9) See CIC, can. 218, § 2.
(10) Cf Pius 11, Epist. , Ap. efforts of all the, Aug 1. 1922: AAS 14 (1922), 453.
(11) Pius XII, Allocution. Magis quam , 23 Nov. 1951: AAS 43 (1951) 737.
(12) Leo XIII, Epist. Encycl. Since the day , 8 Sept. 1899: Leonis XIII Acta 19 (1899) 166.
(13) See Collectio Lacensis, praesertim: vol. III, 1918s. (Conc Prov. Westmonasteriense, a. 1859), vol. IV, 29 (Conc Prov. Parisiense, a. 1849), vol. IV, 149, 153 (Conc Prov. Rhemense, a. 1849), vol. IV, 359, 361 (Conc Prov. Avenionense, a. 1849), vol. IV, 394, 396 (Conc Prov. Burdigalense, a. 1850), vol. V, 61 (Conc Strigoniense, a. 1858); vol. V, 664 (Conc Prov. Colocense, a. 1863), vol. VI, 619 (Synod. Vicariatus Suchnensis, a. 1803).
(14) to the convent of internat. " Ciceronian was promoting his Studies », 7 of September. 1959, inan interview Discorsi Messaggi del Santo Padre Giovanni 23, 1, p. 234-235; cf. also Address. to the pilgrims of the Diocese of Piacenza, Apr 15. 1959: L'Osservatore Romano, April 16,. , 1959; Epistle. the Father of mercies, Aug 22. , 1961: AAS 53 (1961), 677; Address. of the solemn inauguration of the College of the Philippine Islands at Rome, 7 Oct. 1961: L'Osservatore Romano, 9-10 Oct. 1961 Epistle. lucunda laudatio, Dec 8. , 1961: AAS 53 (1961), 812.
(15) Pius XI, Epist. Ap. Officiorum omnium, 1 Aug. 1922: AAS 14 (1922), 453.
(16) Epist. SC Studiorum, Vehementer healthy, 1 Eh. 1908: Ench. Cler., n. 821.
(17) Leo, 12, lit. Catholic Church. Providentissimus God, Nov 18. 1893: Journal of the Lion 's13, 13 (1893), 342; Epistle. Clearly, there will be understanding, 20 May 1885, Acts of the , 5, 63-64; Pius 12, Address to. More than, 23 of September. 1951: AAS 43 (1951), 737.
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