An official statement from the Register: Official Statement: The Register is no longer publishing blogs or commentaries submitted by Mark Shea. Mark’s writings at the or published in our print edition were within our editorial guidelines. However, his writings and engagement on other forums were irreconcilable with our editorial vision or standards of charitable discussion.

This is good news indeed for the faithful. While this information age is a blessing in regards to being able to access all the richness and traditions of the faith, the devil never misses the chance to counter-attack.

Shea gets his notoriety mainly from attacking the orthodox/traditionalists from a neo-cath/leftwing point of view. The Register hasn't explained what exactly got him fired but perhaps it's been his political anti-Trump obsession of late. If not then there is plenty of other causes in Shea' body of work.
Mark Shea would lie to attack pro-lifers, but not to save Anne Frank or babies
August 17, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — Last week in The Stream, a colleague of mine wrote an article outlining how Democrat operative Robert Christian is trying to steal the language and even part of the name of my pro-life apostolate, I Am Whole Life, and use it as camouflage for his “Seamless Garment” views. In service of these views, Christian wrote a sneaky endorsement of Hillary Clinton disguised as anobjective analysis, which appeared at the Catholic news site Crux.
In that article, John Zmirak also mentioned National Catholic Register columnist Mark Shea — who is aiding and abetting Christian's act of intellectual theft. Mark Shea continually attacks the leaders and stalwarts of the existing pro-life movement and claims that he wishes to replace it with a “Whole Life” movement redefined by leftist Democrats like Mr. Christian. [continued...]
1st- With no formal education in theology or canon law, Mr. Shea presents himself as a qualified expert on the faith. The Catholic Church employs enough bishops, priests, deacons, and theology professors to articulate the faith without relying on untrained amateurs to publically represent our faith in the world.
2nd- Mr. Shea represents his own personal political opinions as official Church doctrine, only vaguely relating his own opinions to Church teaching. All to often, those political opinions include personal attacks on pro-lifers and outspoken conservative priests, expressed support for Islamic terrorists and gay priests, bashing our troops, and slander against anyone who expresses preference for a Latin Mass.
3. Mr. Shea publically slanders anyone with whom he disagrees(including priests in good standing) as anti-Semites, racists, rednecks, heretics, homophobes, and other slurs.
Here is a sample of the writings and responses which many find abusive and contrary to our Catholic faith:
2nd- Mr. Shea represents his own personal political opinions as official Church doctrine, only vaguely relating his own opinions to Church teaching. All to often, those political opinions include personal attacks on pro-lifers and outspoken conservative priests, expressed support for Islamic terrorists and gay priests, bashing our troops, and slander against anyone who expresses preference for a Latin Mass.
3. Mr. Shea publically slanders anyone with whom he disagrees(including priests in good standing) as anti-Semites, racists, rednecks, heretics, homophobes, and other slurs.
Here is a sample of the writings and responses which many find abusive and contrary to our Catholic faith:
Click on the petition's title to see examples of Shea attacking faithful Catholic clergy and laity.
Hopefully we've seen the last of Shea but I suspect some other heterodox outlet will pick him up (i.e. National catholic Reporter, America magazine, Tablet, etc). Maybe Hillary Clinton will hire him?
Those making money as a wolf in sheep's clothing will face their Judgement Day with some explaining to do. Don't be standing next to them.