Remembering Cardinal Martini
"Cardinal Martini was for me a mentor, teacher, model Scripture scholar and friend. He has influenced my life, teaching, pastoral ministry in a very significant way over the past 30 years. When many colleagues, students and friends have asked me these past years how I maintained my faith and hope in the world of scripture scholarship and teaching, I often told them: “I had three Martinis a day.” I think I have read everything that Cardinal Martini wrote, or that appeared under his name. I first met Cardinal Martini in Milan in 1981. He had already begun the Lectio Divina sessions with young people in Milan’s Duomo. I was amazed then and continued to be captivated by his method of preaching, teaching and praying the Scriptures.
We exchanged numerous letters over the years, and I remember asking Cardinal Martini for some advice as I prepared World Youth Day 2002 in Canada. Two moments, however, remain engraved in my memory and heart. Following the adventure of World Youth Day 2002, I asked permission to spend a month in the Holy Land to pray and rest. I wanted to spend some days at the Franciscan Retreat House on Mount Tabor. When I arrived, the lovely Italian sister greeted me and said: “You’ll be very happy to know that there is hardly anyone here these days. There is only one other guest. You will meet him this afternoon at tea.” After prayers, I walked into the dining room only to find Cardinal Martini sitting at the table. I blurted out: “Eminenza, how good it is to be here!” He said: “Should we not build three tents?” We had a good laugh and a wonderful visit.
A year later, as I presented the documentary of St. Gianna Beretta Molla on the eve of her canonization in Rome, the Cardinal thanked me for telling the true story of that great laywoman saint of his diocese. Martini loved St. Gianna Beretta Molla, calling her at her beatification ten years earlier: “Marvelous woman, lover of life, wife, mother, exemplary doctor, she offered her life so that she would not violate the mystery of the dignity of life.”
May this brilliant pastor and teacher continue to bless us and teach us from the heavenly Jerusalem."
Fr. Thomas Rosica, C.S.B.,
CEO, Salt and Light Catholic Television Network, Canada
President, Assumption University – Windsor, Canada
CEO, Salt and Light Catholic Television Network, Canada
President, Assumption University – Windsor, Canada

Meanwhile, there's this...
Card. Martini, a member of the Italian Freemasonry?
With this public recognition, the document goes one step further than the homage paid to Martini by the Grande Oriente de Italia - GOI - already reproduced here on this website. Judging by the fact that GOD and GOI are two different groups, it seems to be a split inside Italian Freemasonry. Both sides praise Martini.
It is noteworthy that the document also indirectly acknowledges that Fr. Pedro Arrupe, a past Superior General of the Society of Jesus, and a group of Jesuits influenced by him were Freemasons as well.
We do not believe that the emotional critique made against Benedict XVI exempts him from being a supporter of the Revolution as well. He has proved time and time again that he is an important agent to foster the Panreligion and One World Order, the two main ideals of Freemasonry.
A photocopy of the GOD webpage is found below. The photos are preceded by our translation of the Italian, in blue.
Now that the rhetorical celebrations and the vociferous condolences have ended and given way to silence and the metabolization of mourning, the Grand Orient Democratic affectionately greets Brother Carlo Maria Martini, who has passed away to the Eternal Orient.
Carlo Maria Martini died on Friday August 31, 2012.
Many have wept sincerely over his departure, many others have observed it exteriorly, but felt their hearts freed from a burden.
At the Angelus of Sunday, September 2, Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger in the world, remembered a man and an ecclesiastic figure whose thought and action represented a constant warning and a (sweet) accusation against the reactionary traditionalism that has shaped the Church of Christ for many centuries, with the luminous exception of hope (later betrayed) given to us by the Vatican Council II.
A Pope, who lives surrounded by his own hypocrisy and that of those who surround him (on many intricate matters), chose to clearly manifest his human, theological and pastoral distance from the ex-Archbishop of Milan, by blatantly not showing any affection on Martini's death during the Angelus of the first Sunday of September, only a few hours after that sorrowful event.
Indeed, although Martini had made acts of friendship and openness toward Ratzinger (even during the 2005 Conclave that elected him pope), except for some circumstantial phrases and gestures, one cannot say the same of the behavior of Ratzinger toward the Cardinal of Santa Cecilia.
In fact, on many questions Carlo Maria Martini constituted a challenge and a provocation to everything Benedict XVI represents and wants to maintain.
First, Ratzinger was, as Cardinal and Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (from 1981 to 2005), the severe guardian of a rude and sanctimonious orthodoxy (but blind and mute regarding cases of pedophilia all over the world). Afterward, as Pope, he was nothing more than a sickly and reactionary conservative, whose guidance of the Church of Rome will be sadly remembered, as will his choice of Secretary of State, His Eminence Tarcisio Bertone, a schemer like few others.
Carlo Maria Martini was ill for a long time, and the progressivist initiatives he wanted to introduce in the paralyzed body of the Church of Rome were left to wither for decades in the closed meeting of some illuminati prelates - bishops and cardinals. They never found the courage to emerge and form a tight front and openly contest the tremendous theological-doctrinal, pastoral and ethic delays that afflict the upper echelon of the administration of the Catholic Curia. Martini used to say the Church was 'at least 200 years behind' the times.
Martini's thinking was different from that of John Paul II and Benedict XVI on topics like women priests, hetero and homosexuality, the right to conduct scientific research and apply it to the latest in medicine, the rights of gay couples, the secularism of the public institutions, etc.
On all these matters Carlo Maria Martini had a progressivist vision judged in 'lay' terms, but actually a vision rooted in a traditional interpretation of Christianity as a religion of love, inclusion, tolerance, humility, a non-interference of [religious] arrogance in the civil and lay sphere, a critical doubt that must exist in the face of spiritual weakness, a faith that be a kind a deep knowledge of everything from first to last, and not a dogmatic and fanatical arrogance.
[Martini was] a man of vast culture - not just biblical - and uncommon intellectual refinement. Many years ago he used to go incognito to some dispossessed families, performing gratis, with humility and love, acts of service to those persons, as if he were a domestic worker.
Carlo Maria Martini was a Jesuit. And like other Jesuit priests who lived their youth and adulthood in the post World War II times and were influenced by the great progressisivist spiritual and moral figure of Pedro Arrupe (1907-1991, General Superior of the Society of Jesus from 1965 to 1983), Martini was curious about the Masonic wisdom.
Carlo Maria Martini wanted to be initiated as a Freemason.
On this fact - and the way in which it took place - one can find some illustrative points in the book by Brother Gioele Magaldi [on Masonry] titled Massoni - Società a responsibilità illimitata, Chiarelettere Editore, to be released in November 2012.
As far as we are concerned, with great simplicity and emotion, with immense affection and infinite esteem, we desire to salute Brother Carlo Maria Martini in his journey to the ETERNAL ORIENT.
The Brothers of the Grand Orient Democratic
Article of September 12-14, 2012.
KWTC Says: The thing about a conspiracy theory is, if true it would explain quite a few things. Ockham's Razor can be useful in these matters too.
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